
Customized Waterproof Wiring Harnesses for Automotive
Customized Waterproof Wiring Harnesses for Automotive

As vehicles become more electrified and intelligent, automotive electrical systems get more complex. Manufacturer - customized waterproof wiring harnesses for fuel pumps and motors are crucial for the stable operation of these systems. They cover various aspects from design to application, greatly influencing vehicle safety, reliability, and functionality.

Classification of FFC Flat Cables
Classification of FFC Flat Cables

The article elaborates on the classification of FFC flat cables based on three dimensions: the position and style of the reinforcing plate and gold finger, pitch, and thickness.

Overview of Wiring Harness Manufacturing Proces
Overview of Wiring Harness Manufacturing Proces

The HXN5 locomotive is equipped with approximately thirty wiring harnesses. Among them, the largest wiring harness consists of nearly a thousand wires with different lengths and specifications. Given its large size and weight, this wiring harness needs to be lifted by a crane during handling.